Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, December 21, 2009

I think we are clean...

Okay, that is probably a really bad attempt at a joke but we have had so many baby showers over the past few weeks I just couldn't pass up the silliness. It is amazing to realize how many lives we have touched and to see it through the physical support showing up in the showers that have been thrown for Abigail. From family to friends to co-workers to former patients it is just amazing how God has surrounded us with such a great support system. If we didn't already know, it would be pretty obvious that God is saying this is the family he wanted to create.

And we have been so busy with the showers and family coming in town for the holidays that we just haven't taken the time to sit and write about it. We also mixed in refinancing our home in the midst of all of this. But on to how Abby is doing. She went for her two month doctor visit and got a clean bill of health. The doctor said Jenny is doing a great job and is doing everything right. She's obviously grown since the two week visit but she is picking up speed compared to other babies. We know that Abby is going to be a petite person when she grows up because her birthparents we both short and petite. But Abby has gained percent wise from 1% of babies in size to about 4%. Not that it matters, we are just glad she is healthy.

She also received 5 shots on this visit. Not a pleasant experience but it has to happen. She is such a well mannered baby that this was the first time that we saw her really open up her lungs and scream and cry. It didn't last long though and she was sleeping it off. We've been trying to work in our family Christmas picture but it has been difficult getting times arranged properly. I'm off work from now thru January 5th so hopefully we will be able to get that done soon and posted for all to see. We apologize for not getting Christmas cards out this year but we think that everyone should understand. Maybe we will send out a Happy New Year card instead.

She is really starting to smile when prompted, at least when she is really awake. She is slowly starting to sleep better but with all that has been going on it has been difficult to get her on a routine. That will have to wait until January once all the family is gone and there are no more trips out of town. But she is so good about going to other people and not getting fussy. She's also been very good about not getting sick (like she really has anything to do with it) with both the weather changes and being around so many people.

Now that all that is explained - the really important thing that happened since my last post is that we got Abby's life jacket out and sized her up. She's just a tad too small for it right now but by March it should fit just fine and she'll be ready to go. And now that my project of remodeling the travel trailer is complete it is on to building her water skis. I know some people think I'm crazy, but those of you who have seen me on the water know that it will be safe and fun. Plus those who really know me are already asking when her first ski trip will be. I'm targeting June because the water should be warm enough by then. And yes Jenny is on board with this idea, she actually stopped me the other day when I said I needed to build Abby's skis. She said "If we have new skis, she is going to have a new ski also". And I did find this really cool new ski trainer online that floats and starts the kids off in a seated position, so we may be investing in that.

I'll end this post with a few updated pictures.

We have much more on our cameras and the cameras of others that we need to download so that we can share. For now, we thank everyone for all the prayers and support. We love you all.

And don't forget - the Real Gift of Christmas is Christ!


1 comment:

  1. I'm having a panic attack right now thinking about putting that baby on a ski. Certainly this is meant for later, like years later right?
